Rovex D:8 Braid Depthfinder on Sale

Rovex D:8 Depth Finder Braid is the perfect choice for anglers fishing deeper waters or trolling. The eight-carrier braid is constructed from the highest quality Japanese HMPE fibres and features a smooth round profile for optimal casting and premium strength. The multi-colour tones of the braid provide a visual means of measuring 10-yard depth and distance intervals. Yellow and black markings indicate 1-yard intervals for even finer-scale accuracy. Whether you enjoy jigging for Kingfish, bottom bashing for coral trout or trolling for mackerel, Rovex D:8 Depth Finder Braid will put your bait or lure in the hot spot!
Additional Information
Line Rating Lbs/Kg | 20lb/9.1kg, 30lb/13.7kg, 50lb/22.8kg, 80lb/36.4kg, 100lb/45.5kg |
Line Length M's/Yds | 278m – 300Yds, 600m – 657Yds |