Daiwa Saltiga Nylon Leader Discount

Saltiga Nylon Leader is the perfect fusion of strength and shock absorption. High knot strength and cushioning are two of the key features of Saltiga Nylon allowing anglers to fish the line to its limit without fear of failure. Saltiga Nylon is the perfect leader for the offshore angler excelling in both popping jigging and conventional bait fishing for everything from snapper through to red emperor. Available in 20-200lb there is a leader to suit every condition.
Additional Information
Shimano Line & Leader Models | 20LB-50m, 25LB/50M, 30LB/50M, 40LB/50M, 50LB/50M, 60LB/50M, 70LB-50m, 80LB/50M, 100LB-50m, 130LB-50m, 170LB-50m, 200LB-50m |